Occuity is delighted to announce that it has secured a grant from the Department for Trade’s, Internationalisation Fund, which supports businesses to export products internationally.
The match-funded grant will support Occuity’s commercial activities by helping the business connect with end users and distributors ahead of the launch of the PM1
Pachymeter in key international markets in Europe, North America and Asia-Pacific.

Occuity’s CEO, Dan Daly stated:
“It’s great that Occuity has been recognised as a company with significant potential to achieve international sales and grow exports from the UK across the globe.”
Mike Riley, Occuity’s Director of International Sales, comments:
“Occuity’s ophthalmic products have great market potential, so I’m looking forward to getting our products in front of Key opinion leaders (KOL’s) and continuing conversations with distributors at events such as ESCRS in Milan in September, the AAO in Chicago and RANZCO in Brisbane both of which occur in October.”
With the US representing over half the market opportunity for Occuity’s products, the grant will also provide funding for an FDA consultant to support achieving regulatory approval for the PM1 ahead of a market launch in the US. FDA approval will also support potential future sales in Central and South America.
The Occuity PM1 will be the world's only non-contact, handheld optical pachymeter. Discover it here.