At the end of April, the Occuity team headed to London Excel to attend and exhibit at the 8th edition of 100% Optical, an event that has established itself as the largest optical tradeshow in the UK.
100% Optical is organised in partnership with the Association of Optometrists (AOP) and attracts almost 10,000 UK and international visitors and more than 200 exhibitors, with Occuity adding to this number for the first time. The show was an opportunity for all visitors to get hands-on with the Occuity PM1, the world’s only non-contact, handheld optical pachymeter and talk to our team about our product pipeline.
With the event being in the UK, it meant that many Occuity staff members could attend and share their knowledge and enthusiasm about our innovative technology. Our senior leadership team had several interesting conversations with industry leaders and potential distributors, with many stand visitors commenting on the PM1's design, performance and how easy it was to use. Not only did we have a number of devices on show, but there was also an opportunity for visitors to get hands-on with the PM1 and even take a corneal thickness measurement themselves after just a few minutes of instruction.
Not only were visitors excited about the PM1, but there was also phenomenal interest in the development of our second product, the AX1 Axiometer, an axial length biometer that will be capable of directly measuring axial length to provide optometrists with a superb solution to accurately monitor the progression of myopia. A condition estimated to affect half of the world's population by 20250
Occuity Head of Digital Marketing Richard Kadri-Langford comments:
It was great to see customers get hands-on with the PM1 at 100% Optical. The feedback we received about the device was excellent, and our customers seemed impressed by the way they were able to take accurate and repeatable CCT measurements within minutes of walking up to our stand.
We are also excited to announce that we have booked to exhibit again next year at an even bigger booth. The event will be taking place once again at Excel London during the weekend of the 25-27th February 2023. Details about our stand and registering are yet to come, but in the meantime please visit our events page, where you can explore all the shows, events, and exhibitions that Occuity will be attending in the coming months.